Wednesday 16 June 2021


Walt Disney chose to have their logo as a castle because the company is known for making all the iconic princess films. They base their films around fairytale so It only makes sense to have their logo look like an identifying part of any princess film which is the castle. In the beginning, it was just the wording but they added the castle in the back because it is iconic. 

The history behind this logo is disturbing as they used a real lion and tied him down to take this photo, which is animal cruelty. However, this company was actually known for being grim and pushing the limits of what is acceptable, with their biggest scandal involving the film Alice in wonderland. The actress was fed pills constantly to keep her able to film and later after the film she became addicted and it did not end in a pleasant manner. So this company overall does not seem to care for the wellbeing of anyone, they are only concerned that their film is finished being filmed well and efficiently. 
Pixar's animation is a reminder that ideas are good to have the company is focussing on the fact that. Steve Jobs is the person who came up with the idea for the logo and seeing as he was also a big part of the apple, this would make sense as apple is all about innovation and constant improvement. 
The 20th century fox is a film company that preys on the idea of the future and the logo is an indication that the films they make will be extraordinary and like no other companies film. The word fox was added because in a song they referred to a girl as a fox. This is important as when audiences see this logo they instantly assume the film is going to be ahead of their time as the 20th century is associated with moving forward in the future. 20 is a number that is associated with the future for example it is almost like how 2020 was a big milestone for everyone, 20 is associated with milestones and breaking new grounds 


  1. Hi Carol


    You have some interesting insights into the companies backgrounds but you don't really show a progression of the companies logos and the rationale behind them.

    1. You are also missing your own film's logo and any information on that.


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