Wednesday 4 August 2021

representation essay homework

Breaking Bad is a show that includes ideas based around drugs gangs and drug dealing. In the first scene, we see a panorama shot of the paint buckets, this is shown in the scene to establish the environment and setting location the following events are about to take place in. The panning shot showed that this scene was based in a hardware store, the paint tubs were mostly by the brand 'Kilz' which could be foreshadowing what events might take place in the rest of the show, it is subliminally telling the audience something is about to go down as out of an entire hardware store the directors decided to open with a shot of 'kilz' paint. The camera then swiftly moves to the bald man with a mustache, what the bald head may be associated with is jail, generally inmates must go bald to show they're not hiding anything as one of the many reasons yet it's contradicting as this man seems like he is actually hiding quite a bit as we are only just getting introduced to the character. The facial expressions on his face also seem to be very serious and he comes off as knowing what he is there for, he walks with purpose and it is shown in the downwards point of his eyebrows, which narrow his eyes more and gives off the look that he is focussed and in the zone. There is a close up shot of the man picking up a tub of 'kilz' paint, and this was done intentionally by the filmmakers to show that he has a gold wedding ring on his ring finger, suggesting he is a married man and most likely has a wife and kids. The man is also wearing fully black, this colour is associated with darkness, evil, ill intention having people and over all antagonists are the ones who mainly base themselves around this colour in films. The choice of clothing also instantly tells us there's something that could be dark and twisted with this man. The next shot is a tracking shot where the camera is going alongside the character to follow him and take the audience along, making them feel as though they are there with the character watching him in real time. The camera technique that is used next is a close up of the paint can the man is holding, being focussed in on the brand name, as well as the fact that it is red which ties in with what that colour represents which is blood, pain and danger which in association with the colours connected to the man, would suggest to the audience that something will go wrong wether that is during this scene or during the show in general. The camera then follows the man and moves into an over the shoulder shot which moves along with the idea of the audience feeling like they are there with him, possibly looking over his shoulder in shock aswell. What is shown from this angle is a trolley filled with what would seem to be the most random items, and they're bought in abundance which has clearly peaked the mans interest. A zoom shot is used to gravitate closer to the mans face, allowing us the audience to see what facial expressions he is making, allowing us to see his reaction to what was shown at the beginning of the shot, as the camera slowly narrows in on his face, it emphasises that the man can see something off with what is in that trolley. The camera during the scene is not still and the shaky effect is what makes the audience feel like they are watching him in real life and aren't just watching a recording or film, it adds a sense of realism.

The following character is introduced through a mid-shot, he looks to be significantly younger than the rather middle aged man we were shown earlier, this character looks dishevelled and as though he is a highschool dropout, he is wearing an all brown outfit that looks like it has not been washed in months, he looks to not be a home owner, the bags under his eyes would suggest he takes intense drugs of some kind, which is ironic as all that is in the trolley seemingly is connected with the production of a drug. The young man has a skull embroidered onto his beanie and this would be a symbol of death which is important to note with all the other ideas that are connected to the same overall atmosphere with the use of dark colours as such. A two shot is used to show both the characters locking eyes, we also see the man with his pants dropped to his upper thighs, suggesting he is indeed a junkie. The two shot was used to show the relation between the characters, the young man visibly seems uncomfortable so this would suggest he does not know this man standing in his way and staring him down. A wide shot is used to show the older man walking out of the store and as he moves closer to the camera, he is getting moved into a low angle shot which would show him dominating and proving himself to be of power and influence.

There is only diegetic sound used during filming in the hardware store location, this would make the audience feel like there is nothing too off about what is going on, the man seems average and seems to just be running his daily duties as such. This also adds in a sense of realism again, making it feel as though we are there with him. The middle aged man says to the junkie as he sees his cart full of materials to make illegal substances, "you're buying the wrong matches" this would suggest he knows exactly what the young man is up to and even though he is aware that what he's doing is not good, he proceeds to give him advice on how to continue these activities, telling him how to do it without getting caught, suggesting he is looking out for him in a condescending manner. The man looks around thinking something along the lines of "does anyone see this?" the man throughout their entire interaction only said one word "what" which really emphasises his confusion with what just happened. The man proceeds to be overwhelmed by the situation and in running away we hear a skid sound which would suggest he is running away scaredily and is stumbling, really showing how taken back he is to the point where he cant even think straight enough to walk properly. The middle aged man laughs which shows he's almost mocking the young man who just ran away, laughing at how pathetic his attempt is at getting involved in illegal substance making, and this would also put the idea in the audiences minds that perhaps this character is also involved in the same thing as he seems extremely knowledgeable in the topic. As he walks out of the store, non diegetic sound is begins to play, the beginning to a grungy song starts, under the song we hear the diegetic sound of the young man arguing in the car parking lot with a bigger tougher looking man. The music used makes the character the whole scene is directed towards, as a dissident intimidating person. To the bigger man, the middle aged man says "stay out of my territory" which suggests that whatever business they were up to, needs to stop as this is his zone, no response is given which suggests he made his point clear and they were fearful and surrendered in a way. This whole ordeal taking place in the parking lot is intentional as the mise en scene would tie in with the connation that is suggesting that parking lots are generally where rough things go down, its more secluded and seems casual to the eyes of others, however it can be a place of dealing as such and as shown here, setting boundaries. The way this scene is edited is in a way that feels as though the audience is simply just following along with what events take place. This increases the audiences emotional involvement as well as it making the show seem more intimate. The cuts from shot to shot and setting to setting, are quick yet smooth, this really emphasises that although the scene may not seem as serious, it is and the director wants to show that by not dwelling in shots too long. There is a match on action used in the last portion of the clip that shows the middle aged man walking from the store through the perspective that he is in the store then cuts to him outside the store from the perspective of the parking lot.

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