Wednesday 31 March 2021

Rough Edit



  • Music choice
  • Sound effects 
  • Transitions 
  • The montage 
  • Use of black and white 

Needs Work/ Suggestions 
  • Put in an after effect at first flash forward point 
  • Change music at the point of running 
  • Linger on the end image 
  • End on title
  • Credits at the very end - after showing title
  • Opportunities for moments of impact when suspense can build 
  • Music more suspenseful in intense parts
What I will do

What implications that will take place since getting this feedback is I will be adding in intense music during the chase scene, fast pace music and this will mean the audience will feel the tension from what is happening in the scene. Another change I will be making Is that I will be keeping the last image of Kevin as a close up, on the screen for a little longer. This is so that the audience can really resonate with it and feel more impacted by it. One comment said to make the music louder so I have done that already as a simple start to all the changes I will be making 

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